Fanny Wiriaatmadja

Posts Tagged ‘kyoto

Some countries do have its own ‘charm’, and so do these contries, and I just wanna share some of those charms they put on me 🙂

* Japan – I think this is one of the most favorite destination ever, and everybody is eager to visit, feel and try everything about this country. I feel that everything that this country has, is like a magnet that brings out your curiousity to the maximum level, or the best it can be. For me myself, Japan has its own meaning, as this is the second country I visited other than Singapore. I took all my annual bonus and spent it on this trip, and has no regret it all.. The Cherry Blossom was awesome, even a picture can’t describe the beauty. Disneyland is magnificent, you don’t want to go back into realty and want to drown yourself into this fantasyland. Onsen is also an interesting experience, you feel it as a little reborn for your body. What I love the most about Japan also is Kyoto. This town is so natural, so quiet, so peaceful and you feel like you were in Ubud Bali. I can’t define it well by words, but I felt something different with Kyoto, a place where seems that my heart decided to live here, a place where I want to spend my whole life..


* Korea – This is not my favorite place for sure, but I did really love the shopping session. I’m not talking about clothes and its friend, but I’m talking about the cosmetics : Etude, Faceshop, you name it. You got everything girly with a very reasonable price, almost half than Indonesian price, curse that horrible tax.. And you got panic attack as well when you want it all, those cute little stuffs, called Korean souvenir. Its uniqueness that truly, no other country has, really got you crazy.. Very high-quality, very cute items that you don’t wanna share to others and just want to keep by yourself. Handkerchief, mousepad, magnet, everything! I’m not souvenir fans but in Korea you will be changed!

* China – China is dirty, yeah.. China has a very unfriendly population, extremely called on number 1 in the world, yeah.. China has the most disgusting toilet ever, yeah.. and you can add any other negative facts into the list, and still I love China.. There’s no view can be compared to China.. I just went to Guilin and it’s such amazing experience, and I can’t imagine, what about the rest of China.. Some many places I still want to go : Xian, Jiuzahigou, ZhiangCiaJie, and others.. In Yangshuo, I had a great time watching Liu San Jie show, one of the masterpiece of Zhang Yi Mou. Just google and you’ll find how amazing this person is. Besides, you’ll enjoy the spectacular panoramic view of Guilin with its karst landscape, not to mention so many colorful, beautiful cave.. go to China once and you’ll want it more.


* Hongkong – I don’t really experience something new here, and there’s no specific spot that I adore too much, to be honest. But of course Disneyland will always be a memorable place wherever it is 🙂 We also went to Macau, and I prefer Macau than Hongkong. So european here, with its massive hotel such as Venetian, Galaxy, etc. Viva la Macau!


* Turkey – I don’t really like the historical ruin spread everywhere, but I do love Istanbul.. very exotic, with its shining Bosphorus and Europian architecture. With its Blue Mosque and Haga Sofia and other classical buildings. I love their very-friendly people, smile everywhere. And I just found one word for Turkey : rich.. They’re rich for everything. History, architecture, food, everything!!! Don’t expect too much on food, for Asian like us. But you will be able to compromise when you see the other world of Turkey. Cappadoccia was also incredible, and you’ll find that you were in a fairy tale world with the fairy chimney. Cotton Castle, though it has changed a lot, still has its charm with adorable texture. So for me Istanbul and Cappadoccia is a must when visiting Turkey, as well as Cotton Castle.



* Vietnam – It’s also an ordinary country for me. Halong Bay is nice, but not that impressive. It’s jut I went here with my big family, so it did help me to enjoy the vacation.

* Thailand – This is a simple country, but rich of culture. The food is tasty, the stuffs’ price is very affordable, the Pattaya is addictive and I, usually don’t like any temples, are freezing to see Wat Arun and Grand Palace! Marvelous, grand, elegant, oh no words can describe. It’s such a beautiful place, and your eyes want to grab all its beauty and record it deeply in your brain.




* Singapore – It’s the country where you always want to come back, again and again, and feel no boredom. The Marina Bay Sands, Sentosa, are the place where you can always explore and find something new. This urban country with its cleanliness, its tidiness, has won your heart. The Nasi Lemak and all the hainanese rice will satisfy your tongue and your pocket/wallet. Even you’ll miss the MRT!

* Malaysia – Same like Hongkong, it’s just ordinary, and I hate all the taxi driver with their attitudes.

* Taiwan – It might be the most-unimpressive-country I’ve ever visited. Boring and suits the most for the elderly. I have no more words. It doesn’t mean this is a not-good country, but it’s just not suitable for youngsters..

Fanny Wiriaatmadja

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