Fanny Wiriaatmadja

An Intermezzo : Imaginary Machine

Posted on: November 28, 2013


Imaginary ‘machines’ that always comes to mind, hoping for miracle to be something real in this universe :

1. Mind-Erasing-Machine
It’s almost always difficult to find a good book, and it feels so damn sorry when you finally finished a good one, even if you’ve tried to read it very slowly and enjoy every second, every page. At the end, the book will reach ‘The End’ part, and you will feel something terrible like you lose a loved one. So that’d be more than enough if we can erase our mind, totally forget what the book has told us, and re-read again since the very first page. Ummmmm.. I can feel the adrenaline overflow inside, just by imagining that kind of machine. Good story is a treasure of mind, I bet you agree with me, and if you don’t, I won’t even pay you anyway 😀 If this machine does exist, you might use it for different purpose – forget someone you hated or ever loved, but I myself will definitely use it only for above reading purpose.

2. Time-Machine
One thing is I’m not so sure is whether you can change the history by travelling back to the past. If yes, I don’t think it’s a good idea, since your effort doesn’t guarantee that your life will be better. Do you really need to go back to the past (says), to keep changing your life path, as if you were in our childhood book, where the story provide you more than one alternatives so that you can choose and you’ll be directed to certain page and repeat then re-select once you find an unsatisfied ending? I will only use this machine to back to the past where I can see my father’s face again. Go through every single detail in his face – his smile, his wrinkle, his warm eyes, his nose (that’s 100 % the clone of mine) and put deeply in mind. That’s it, as I miss him so much. Then, back to the machine, same thing for future, are you dare to see your future and your death? I prefer no and live my life as it is now, happily.

3. Doraemon-Magic-Door
This is a tool where you can go everywhere, almost similar like no. 3, but I define this as a machine where you can go everywhere in the present. Well I’d love to have this too, no need a long explanation. Travelling is addictive, that’s it 😀

4. Know-Someone’s-Heart-and-Mind-Machine (or advanced version of lie detector)
I always and will always want to have this, but at the end the doubt always wins, as I know exactly what person I am. I’m bad in dealing with truth. I can’t manage it very well, so may be sometimes it’s good not to know someone’s real heart or mind. If they do lie, then let it be. May be protecting your heart is all that you need, rather than to be a ‘master-of-knowing-everything’ and at the same time, your heart is broken into pieces. So maybe I’ll skip to have this even if the temptation will always strike.

5. Aladdin Genie in The Bottle
Perfect stuff, grant you opportunities to make your dream come true, but it’s clear enough, this is too good to be true. Let it stay forever in the Disney world only.

Same like when people in the past assumed the idea of inventing the plane as crazy, we might have the same idea of above machines. But who knows what will happen in the future, with this crazy world?

Have a good day..

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Fanny Wiriaatmadja

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